Socialization of Foreign Tourist Levy

The Indonesian Tourism Industry Association (GIPI) Bali is collaborating with the foreign consulate in Bali to socialize the levy on foreign tourists (tourists) of IDR 150 thousand per person which will be started on February 14, 2024

“This levy is beneficial for tourists and the community, for example clearing roads from traffic jams, waste problem solution, cultural regeneration and promotion of Bali tourism,” said Chairman of GIPI Bali Ida Bagus Agung Partha Adnyana in Denpasar, Tuesday (6/2) as quote by Media Bali.

Based on data from Ngurah Rai Immigration, Bali, there are 31 consulate offices representing foreign countries in Bali which are expected to be invited to work together to socialize foreign tourist fees.

According to Agung, efforts to collaborate with representatives of foreign countries were made to provide further understanding regarding the importance of these levies for Bali.

Apart from representatives of foreign countries, he continued, massive outreach was also carried out to the tourism industry, including online and conventional travel agents as well as hotels.

To find out the destination, background and payment scheme for foreign tourists, people can access the Love Bali application page via

The legal basis for levies on foreign tourists in Bali is Law Number 15 of 2023 concerning the Province of Bali, then derivative regulations, namely Regional Regulation Number 6 of 2023 concerning levies on foreign tourists for the protection of Bali’s culture and natural environment, as the legal basis for these levies.

The regional regulation states that the levy on foreign tourists has the aim of protecting the customs, traditions, arts and culture and local wisdom of the Balinese people. Glorification and maintenance of culture and the natural environment which is a tourist attraction in Bali, improving the quality of services and implementation of Balinese cultural tourism and becoming a guideline in the implementation and management of levies for foreign tourists.

Meanwhile, the provisions regarding the procedures for paying fees for foreign tourists are further regulated in the Bali Governor’s Regulation (Pergub) Number 36 of 2023.

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